The Future of Nursing Education, NCLEX Review and Job Training Received a Much-Needed Update

A Hybrid Educational Program That Combines Nursing School, Board Review Preparation, and Job Training

LAS VEGAS, July 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Dr. Zeeshan Hoodbhoy, CEO and Founder of NCLEX High Yield, is proud to provide nurses with a comprehensive hybrid course specifically designed to help them pass their NCLEX exam and enter the field with confidence by bridging the gap between nursing school, board review preparation, and real-life experience.

Nurse Ayanna, a former student, now is Director of Student Development. A product of Dr. Zeeshan and NCLEX High Yield, Nurse Ayanna now teaches portions of the course, and is not only a Director but one of the top instructors.
Nurse Ayanna, a former student, now is Director of Student Development. A product of Dr. Zeeshan and NCLEX High Yield, Nurse Ayanna now teaches portions of the course, and is not only a Director but one of the top instructors.

All around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a tremendous need for nurses and the NCLEX exam remains one of the most challenging exams for graduates to pass despite having years of schooling, training, and hands-on experience under their belts.- ADVERTISEMENT –

“Dr. Zeeshan teaches these students more than they learned in nursing school, prepares them for the boards and the floor,” said Nurse Claudia Downs, former student and now Director of Nursing Education at NCLEX High Yield. “I work one on one with many of our students and 95% of our students say they learn more with our program than they did throughout their formal Nursing Education.”

Dr. Zeeshan sees it as his duty to do everything he can and leverage his experiences and failures to create innovative programs that highlight the skills and abilities of current and future nurses.

“For me, I left the opportunity to do Residency when I realized what a larger impact in this world I could have by providing education to future nurses,” Dr. Zeeshan said. “My work is so much more to me than just a job – it truly is my life’s passion; the feeling of helping a Nurse become licensed never gets old!”

Reinvesting back into the program, Dr. Zeeshan has hired nine former students to lead the program for the next generation of nurses. The company prides itself on promoting female leadership and diversity, with staff members who identify as Trinidadian, African American, South Asian, Caucasian, and Hispanic.

When asked about why she loves working at NCLEX High Yield, Nurse Ayanna, Director of Student Development stated, “Honestly, being able to relate to students and letting them know they are not alone. I once walked in their shoes and it’s the full circle moments that life has for you. Watching them bring out the best in themselves without even realizing they are doing it.”

Currently, students have the option of enrolling in courses for free by being part-time interns. Samiyah Hoodbhoy PA-C, Dr. Zeeshan’s younger sister, heads the scholarship program to make getting licensed affordable for those who are struggling financially. Each course has a committee that decides on one beneficiary of the scholarship each month and in return, the recipient must do three acts of kindness to pay it forward.

NCLEX High Yield is one of the hottest and fastest-growing Nursing Education companies that provides an extremely comprehensive service for the NCLEX exam. They are described by students as “a breath of fresh air.” In a stagnant industry, Dr. Zeeshan is starting to make his name known and shaking things up with an entirely new nursing culture. To learn more about the course or to register yourself, please visit the website at

Nicole K.
(203) 561-1886

Nurse Claudia Downs, also a former student of NCLEX High Yield, is now Director of Nursing Education. Nurse Claudia is constantly adding new content based on relevance for the Boards.
Nurse Claudia Downs, also a former student of NCLEX High Yield, is now Director of Nursing Education. Nurse Claudia is constantly adding new content based on relevance for the Boards.

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This article was originally published on Yahoo Finance.

Key Differences Between Plant and Animal-Based Protein

Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are macronutrients that provide people with their energy (measured in calories). A gram of protein contains around four calories and makes up approximately 15 to 20-percent of the human body. Protein is necessary for metabolic processes, so human bodies must make it themselves or consume it through foods.

Proteins Are Amino Acids

This macronutrient forms from amino acids. There are nearly 20 different amino acids that a person’s body uses to build protein, several of which are non-essential (12 in adults, 11 in children) as the body can produce them. The remaining are considered essential and come from animal or plant-based foods.

Protein Sources Contain Different Amino Acids

When it comes to animal and plant sources, not all proteins are the same. Animal proteins contain the essential amino acids, but many plant proteins lack particular amino acids that a person requires from their diet.

Dairy products, eggs, fish, meat, poultry are animal-based protein sources. In many ways, these proteins are similar to those found in humans. A person who eats animal-based foods receives a balanced complement of all essential amino acids.

Plant-based foods are not considered complete protein sources. Soy, for example, is used as food for people and the animals that they eat. It is a plant-based protein source, but it lacks the essential amino acid methionine.

How Can A Person’s Protein Source Effect Their Health?

The fact is that animal protein sources are complete, while plant proteins are incomplete since they are missing one or more of the essential amino acids.

Other benefits of animal protein

Nutrients accompany protein sources, including animal-based foods. That includes vitamin B12, vitamin D, DHA, Heme-iron, and zinc. Some of these nutrients come in plants but are harder to obtain in reasonable amounts.

Research indicates that consuming animal protein is linked to reduced muscle loss with age, feeling fuller, and reductions in heart-related problems (diets including fish.)

Other benefits of plant protein

Conversely, some studies indicate that processed red meats increase the chances of diabetes and heart disease. Other research is showing that plant-based foods help reduce a person’s chance of developing type II diabetes, heart disease, or gaining weight.

The Health Benefits of Dehydrated Food

Dehydrating food is something humans have done for a very long time. In modern times, we might not consider its usefulness or potential health benefits since dehydrated food is usually seen as food for camping or hiking. Adding dehydrated food to your diet is both easy and beneficial to health.

Why Choose Dehydrated Foods?

There are numerous reasons to begin adding at least a few servings of dehydrated food to your diet. Some of the top reasons include:

Wide variety of options:

Fruits, vegetables, herbs, and meats can be dehydrated. That means you can probably find at least a few favorites to eat.

Great For Storage And Portability

Dehydrated foods weigh much less and can also be stored for a significant amount of time. You will have access to nutritious, whole foods whenever you want without worry they’ll go bad.

Dehydrated Foods Are Versatile

Another thing people love about dehydrated foods is how many ways they can be used. They can be eaten alone. They can also be put into soups, stews, smoothies, baked goods, or trail mixes.

Saves Time, Money, And Food

Dehydrated foods don’t go bad as quickly. That means less wasted food. It also means saving money on replacing food. Dehydrated foods also cut cooking time significantly.

Health Benefits Of Dehydrated Foods

Dehydrated foods are healthy. They resist contamination and food-borne illness. They retain all of their vitamins and nutrients. They don’t contain the chemicals and preservatives that are often found in modern diets.

It has been recommended to eat dried fruits daily to give yourself a natural dietary source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Unlike some synthetic vitamins or supplements, you know exactly what’s in your dried fruits. They will digest well in your body and there are no side effects.

While there are no downsides to adding dried foods to your diet, there are a couple of things to be aware of. Since dried foods weigh less, they have more calories by weight. This may lead to eating more calories than you intended. Another thing is that store-bought dried foods may have added sugar or sodium.

This article was originally published on

Elderly Nutrition: Important Foods for Seniors

Seniors face a unique set of issues related to diet and metabolism. The World Health Organization reports that a majority of diseases can be blamed on a poor diet lacking sufficient nutrients. That’s why it is so important that seniors, in particular, focus on getting the healthy nutrition they need to live a satisfying and healthy life.

Dietary Guidelines

Broadly speaking, a healthy diet for seniors includes carbohydrate-rich foods, lean protein, and five servings of vegetables and fruits.

Below are recommended foods for seniors to add to their diet.

Lean Protein Choices

Older people don’t absorb protein as easily as they once did when they were younger. AARP recommends five to six ounces of protein each day. Fish is touted as an excellent source of protein since it also provides healthy omega-3 fats and B12. Salmon, tuna, cod, and trout are excellent options.

Poultry, nuts, lean meat, beans, cottage cheese, peas, poultry, and soy products round out a healthy diet for seniors with adequate protein required to maintain muscle mass.

Recommended Vegetables

When selecting vegetables, choosing a variety of colors is advisable. Some highly recommended options are listed below.

  • Dark Leafy Greens
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Swiss Chard
  • Asparagus
  • Collard Greens
  • Ginger

Recommended Fruits

Fruits are an important source of vitamins and minerals. The fiber they provide is also key for maintaining a healthy body. As if that is not enough reason to eat fruit daily, they are also rich in antioxidants.

Below is a list of fruits that seniors should consider incorporating into their diet.

  • Berries
  • Pears
  • Apples
  • Kiwi
  • Oranges
  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Grapes
  • Lemons
  • Grapefruit
  • Limes
  • Pineapple

Few scientists, physicians, or dieticians question the link between diet and health. Many chronic ailments are considered to be lifestyle diseases. That’s why it is critical that seniors focus on a healthy diet.

The Opioid Crisis in Las Vegas and the U.S.

Many people today are well aware of the dangers of abusing prescription medication, yet America’s opioid epidemic continues to thrive on the millions of individuals that depend on this medication to find pain relief, or comfort. Today, drug overdoses have become the leading cause of accidental death in the United States, and it is expected to worsen with time.

Though this epidemic is spread throughout the country, Las Vegas and the entire state of Nevada have been found to have the fourth highest rate of drug overdose deaths. Opioids are continuing to be prescribed in a careless manner, and until healthcare providers begin to exercise caution, Americans will remain at a constant risk of becoming addicted to the very same medications meant to help them.

To better understand why the epidemic has become so unrelenting, it’s best to look at the science of it all first. Opioids stimulate the brain’s opiate receptors, much like heroin and morphine. Their effects are greatly enhanced when taken via less traditional methods of consumption, like snorting or injecting the crushed substances. The most commonly prescribed opioids, hydrocodone and oxycodone, are considered semi-synthetic due to being synthesized with opium, much like heroin.

Medical professionals often prescribe opioids in the event of a major surgery or serious accident. While they can be helpful in this sense, allowing patients to take them any longer than the allotted recovery time would be careless. Even more disconcerting is the fact that these are very commonly prescribed for much less significant health issues, like regular back or joint pain. It’s cases like this that lead to more harm than good due to long term use, and eventual addiction.

With all that being said, doctors are not entirely to blame for the country’s opioid crisis. It seemed to begin when a number of pharmaceutical companies launched a campaign that downplayed the risks of opioid use, and falsely detailed the ‘many benefits’ that come with long term use, when in reality, overuse can worsen health problems.

The rise in overdose deaths from opioid began to slow in 2011, which then led to an increase in overdose deaths caused by heroin. Though the theory exists that those addicted to opioids essentially switched to heroin due to its price and obtainability, that is only somewhat true. It wasn’t until 2013 that medical examiners began to test for the presence of fentanyl in patients who had overdosed on heroin, which indicated that fentanyl was killing more individuals via overdose than heroin.

Today, the United States’ opioid consumption is considerably higher than that of our European neighbors, clearly showing that healthcare professionals in America must be much more prudent when prescribing these medications. A contributing factor is the lack of access to addiction treatment many Americans face, forcing them to rely upon the opioids, which are much easier to access. Until this is sternly addressed by the medical community, the country will continue to see a spike in opioid addictions and overdoses; more than enough reason to take a step back and rethink our methods of treatment.

How to Know When You’re Experiencing Inflammation

Inflammation is the process through which the body’s white blood cells protect it against illness, infection, or injury. There are also two types of inflammation: acute inflammation and chronic inflammation. Acute inflammation is necessary to heal the body and has signs like pain, redness, warmth, or swelling. During chronic inflammation, on the other hand, an individual is only aware that he or she has inflammation when symptoms start to occur. Chronic inflammation is the problem type as it occurs if the body’s immune system is trying to fend off an infection but is not succeeding. On that premise, the following article presents several common indications of a chronic inflammatory condition.

Body Pain 

Joint pains and muscle aches are examples of body pain that are caused by systemic inflammation. When inflammatory cytokines are found in high levels in the body, they can attack joints or muscles, which may result in redness, swelling, and pain, to mention a few. 

Skin Rashes

Skin rashes, such as psoriasis and eczema, are characterized by flaky, red, and rough skin and are considered inflammatory skin conditions. Both of these skin conditions are related to a hypersensitivity of the body’s immune system. In addition to that, individuals with psoriasis or eczema are also more likely to have inflammatory mast cells that trigger skin rashes to the surface when activated. 

Excessive Production of Mucus

To protect epithelial cells in the respiratory system, mucous membranes produce phlegm, which is a thick substance, that results in coughing, a runny nose, and sneezing. 

Low Energy

Constant feelings of fatigue despite getting enough sleep could indicate that the body is trying to fend off chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation requires a lot of cellular energy, which depletes the necessary fuel that the organism needs to stay energized.

Poor Digestion

Digestion problems, such as bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, and loose stool, can also indicate a chronic inflammation condition. Chronic inflammation can cause toxins and bacteria to leak through the intestines’ walls into the rest of the body: this leaky gut issue further powers chronic inflammation and digestive problems.

First Round of COVID Vaccinations is a Huge Success

The Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines received Emergency Use Authorization a little more than a month ago. In that time, over 22 million Americans have received the vaccine, and the public is now starting to receive data about the results of the vaccination effort so far. There’s a lot of data to unpack, but it’s easy to see the bottom line: this looks good!

Adverse Reactions vs. Allergic Reaction

Many people who receive the vaccine report side effects. The most common are pain at the injection site, headaches, fatigue, and in some cases chills and fever. These are all what doctors call “adverse reactions.” They’re perfectly normal, may last a couple days, and usually present no serious health risk. Adverse reactions are different from true allergic reactions. According to the CDC, allergic reactions may include symptoms hives, swelling, and respiratory distress. These are not standard side effects, and anyone experiencing such symptoms should seek treatment. All people who showed allergic reactions so far have been treated successfully, and there haven’t been any other serious problems.

What About Anaphlyaxis?

There have been reports of some vaccine recipients experiencing anaphylactic reactions. This is a potentially serious condition that requires immediate treatment. However, according to STAT, such reactions are extremely rare. For every 1 million recipients of the Moderna vaccine, only 6.2 people experienced anaphylaxis. The numbers were even better for the Pfizer vaccine, with 2.1 incidents per 1 million recipients. The likelihood of experiencing this problem is much smaller than the chances of contracting a serious case of Covid-19.

Have Any Vaccine Recipients Died?

Data so far indicates no risk of major health problems or death from either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. Certainly, there have been people who received the vaccine and then passed away some time later. However, the incidence rates of death or other issues among recipients is no higher than in the general population. There is thus no reason to be concerned that such incidents are connected to the Covid-19 vaccine.

Should I Be Concerned?

While it’s very difficult to prove a new vaccine is 100% safe, the data so far is just about as good as it could possibly be. All indications are that the vaccine is safe, most side effects are predictable and minor, and any serious allergic effects are easily treatable.

Originally published to

The Best Winter Foods for Staying Healthy

With winter on the doorstep, it’s vital to make sure that you’re eating healthy to keep any illnesses at bay. No one has the time or energy to fall ill with a cold or flu. Many may turn to warm soups and delicious holiday treats during this time of year, but a focus on foods that boost immunity should be prioritized.

  1. Soups
    There are many soups to choose from that are filled to bursting with flavor and nutritious value. Aside from the traditional chicken noodle and tomato varieties, try loaded cauliflower or a classic beef stew loaded with sweet root veggies. Creamy spinach with plenty of garlic or ginger carrot are varieties that your immune system will especially love!
  2. Leafy Greens
    Many children may hate these kinds of vegetables, but equally as many mothers know how important eating these veggies can be! Many are chock full of iron, which is essential to keep your immune system running in tiptop shape. Like spinach, others contain zinc, which is another component needed to ensure any viruses encountered are quickly dispatched.
  3. Citrus Fruits
    For keeping your energy and immunity levels high, go for your citrus fruits! Vitamin C is your friend this time of year. If possible, try to go for fresh fruits over juices. While juices are great in a pinch, they can be loaded with added sugars. They make perfect snacks!
  4. Oatmeal
    Oatmeal is known for keeping your heart healthy, but it can also assist with giving you energy. This breakfast staple is known for making you feel fuller quicker and longer since it is a slow-release food. Enjoying your oats with nuts or fruits can also add more nutrients to your meal to make it an even better way to begin the day!

Wintertime, like any time of year, is full of amazing foods to enjoy. Choosing ones that will keep one healthy is crucial. From oatmeal for breakfast to soups for lunch to veggies and fruits for dinnertime and snacking, you’ll find yourself more resistant to any illnesses lurking around. Do your best to make good winter food choices, and your body will thank you for it.

Tips For Weight Control In Men

Abdominal or fat belly reduces self-esteem among men. A bulging tummy is also associated with chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Losing abdominal fat is a common goal among many men. However, this is a challenging goal that needs a mix of approaches such as working out, adopting healthy habits, and taking a proper diet.

Here are things men should avoid if they want to get rid of belly fat.

Baked/ Fried Food

Though these foods are finger-licking, it’s high time for men to say goodbye to them. Fast foods like chicken nuggets and pizza increase cholesterol levels in our bodies. Additionally, sweet indulgences such as pastries and cake contain a lot of preservatives and refined sugar. All these foods are a culprit of weight gain.

Refrain from Diet Sodas

Men looking to having a flat belly should avoid diet sodas and energy drinks. These drinks contain a high level of sugars, which contribute to increased belly fat.

Avoid Taking Dinner Late

Research shows that eating dinner late is a significant contributor to a bulging belly. According to nutritionists, eating dinner early gives the body time to burn off calories. If possible, men should finish their dinner before 7 to avoid getting abdominal fat.

Avoid Eating at The Desk

Men who work at a desk should get up from their seats when taking lunch. Research shows that sitting on a desk for long hours can lead to weight gain. If they can’t walk to the cafeteria, they must take their lunch while standing. The body burns more calories when one is standing.

Moderate Your Sleep

Too little or too much sleep is unhealthy. 7 to 9 hours or undisrupted rest is enough for an adult. Getting enough sleep allows the body to recharge for the new day ahead—little or too much sleep results in weight gain, especially on the belly.

Desist from Eating in A Large Group

It is scientifically proven that when men eat in a big group, they tend to eat more than their body needs. If you are looking to have a flatter stomach, dine with few people. When you eat more than your body needs, the excess food is stored in the form of calories.

Is The Zero Carb-diet Right For You?

Most people have been keen on what they take into their bodies lately. A zero-carb diet has become an adaptation for many. They believe that the diet is a magical way of shedding off weight, taming abnormal desire for certain foods, and keeping a healthy body.

A zero-carb diet is not as friendly as other diets that allow you to have scarce starch portions. This diet prohibits any intake of carbohydrates. However, the essence of carbs in the body can’t be ignored since they play a significant role in keeping people’s bodies energetic and ensuring their brains are okay.

Before embracing a zero-carb diet, nutritionists advise people to be gradual on it. Cutting carbohydrates at once could lead to issues like adverse mood swings and low energy levels. Also, they are advised on the essence of understanding their bodies, especially those with conditions.

Despite the many arguments surrounding the zero-carb diet, health specialists have confirmed that it is healthful to stick to the diet. Weight loss is the most significant benefit of this diet. Low carbs are good at getting rid of excess water and reducing the sugar in the body. This action translates to weight loss without extreme feelings of hunger.

Many lifestyle diseases are associated with excess weight. Among them are cardiovascular problems, which may lead to the inability to get involved in many activities. Another common condition attracted by too much weight is diabetes. After digestion, carbohydrates become glucose, which means that too much glucose will increase insulin, which is simply diabetes. Therefore, a zero carb-diet significantly curbs these diseases, thus keeping you healthy.

Generally, experts say that Zero-carb diets are okay for people, especially those with obesity. However, they argue that women that are in the child-bearing stage should go slow on it. The reason for the argument is that a Zero-carb diet might interfere with their reproductive hormones. This interference may lead to a delay in their giving birth or even cause them to be barren.

A zero-carb diet has worked for many people with a few registering manageable side effects. They affirm that the effects are nothing compared to the benefits that come with the diet. Anyone who wants to embark on the diet must avoid baked foods, junks, sugary cereals, grains, and starchy vegetables. However, it’s wise for them to visit a health and nutrition expert for further guidance.